3.5 Prepositions, conjunctions and other linking words
Prepositions, conjunctions and other linking words.
Look at the PDF "Prepositions". In the picture of the desk we have various words in relation to the desk e.g. behind, of, in, under, etc.
What differences are there between those descriptions of where an object is in relation to the desk? How important are those words? They are extremely important because they tell us where to look for the object. These words are not nouns, not verbs but are prepositions. ["in front of" is a compound preposition, or prepositional phrase]
Study the Adjective + Preposition Combinations on page 2 of the pdf. They are very useful and essential for the clear meaning of sentences.
Conjunctions join two statements or other parts of a sentence.
Go to Business English Space and scroll down to Conjunctions. The sentence consists of two parts:
- I always buy ice cream
- my friends visit me.
Using conjunctions the two parts can be joined to form one sentence. Some conjunctions that can be used are: when / after / so / unless. Click on the buttons below the sentence in Business English Space and scroll down to see how the choice of conjunction changes the meaning of the sentence.
Read the Staff Newsletter directly below the section on conjunctions and continue to exercise 1.
Exercise 1.
The sentences in Exercises 1-4 are all from the staff newsletter of a clothing manufacturer - the one you've read in Business English Space.
Choose the best ending for the sentences in the quiz. Do questions 1 to 5. Use each ending once only. You’ll need to think in particular about the meanings of the first word in each ending.
NB: In answer "C" in the quiz to in look forward to is a preposition, and so a verb following it must be in the –ing form: looking, just as on in "D" means the verb is in the –ing form: improving.
Exercise 2.
Download the "Reading 6" pdf and do exercise 2. Post a picture of your answers in messenger or in the comments below. You’ll need to think in particular about the meanings of the first word in each ending.
To check your answers go to Business English Space
Scroll down to the appropriate section.
Exercise 3.
Download the "Exercise 3" pdf and do exercise 3. Post a picture of your answers in messenger or in the comments below. You’ll need to think in particular about the meanings of the first word in each ending.
To check your answers go to Business English Space
Exercise 4.
Staff party
A party will be held on 3 January.
Complete each sentence with a different phrase from options.
Do questions 6 to 10 in the quiz. You can read about the staff party in Business English Space in the Staff Newsletter
Exercise 5.
Read the advertisement below "Reading 6 - Exercise 5" about an exhibition.
Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B or C.
You can check your answers in the Business English Space
Exercise 6.
Open "Reading 6 - Task".
• Read the minutes "Reading 6 - Task" from a Health and Safety committee meeting.
• Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B or C.
check your answers in the quiz. Questions 11 to 22